Blackpoolban szombaton a Showzam fesztivál keretében lépett fel két alkalommal is két kitűnő bűvészünk az Operaház színpadán. Íme a hivatalos ajánlószöveg, szerintem nem nagyon kell hozzátenni semmit:
International Stars of Magic An enthralling family show and an absolute must for any magic fan. A Chance to see some of the worlds top magicians performing incredible feats that will fascinate all ages. The international line-up includes Jupiter and his "Sophisticated Sorcery" act; comedy doves with Rafael, Jerome Helfenstein's Shadowgraphy; Nestor Hato and his changing hair; Mentalist Graham Jolley; Omar Pasha's ultra-violet lights; he strange world of Juan Mayoral; Blackpool's own Russ Stevens; Soma and his baffling mobile phones; and your host Tony Stevens.