Már több rangos bűvészbolt árulja Sófalvi Márton új ebookját (többek között a magicshop.co.uk) és mától a Figaro Bűvészboltban is lehet kapni, méghozzá nyomtatott formában. A füzet olyan mentál mutatványokat tartalmaz, amik nem igényelnek drága kellékeket, hanem a jól bevált metódusokra épülnek. Az alábbiakban olvashatjátok az effekteket és néhány ajánlót:
Imagine an effect which gives you 100% accurate reading on your spectator. The spectator asked to think one of seven emotional words. The performer gives a highly accurate reading on the spectator and as a bonus the performer reveals the thought of word as well!
Doublethink Remixed:
This is my add-on on the effect called Doublethink by Derren Brown. This effect uses two spectators: the first spectator freely selects a playing card and the second spectator just thinks of a card. The performer reveals both the selected card and the though of card.
Harmless is a Russian Roulette type effect. The spectator is asked to examine six cards, each one has the word 'Click' on one side and 'Bang' on the other. Six envelopes are examined and each card is placed into a freely selected envelope as the performer explains that each card represents a bullet and each envelope is the chamber of a gun. The performer instructs them to place one card showing the 'Bang' side up and the others showing the 'Click' side up into the envelopes. All are mixed up as the performer turns back and attempts to divine which envelope contains the 'Bang' card. The envelopes can be shuffled by the spectator as many times as he wishes and you always know where the 'Bang' card is.
Sealed is a confabulation type routine without any gimmicks. The performer removes a notepad and a pen from his pocket. He opens the notepad flicks through it and shows it to the audience. The performer introduces an envelope that is in his pocket and tells to the audience that it’s gonna' be important later on. He asks the first spectator to remove change from his pocket and count it. The spectator does it and names out loud the amount of the change. The performer writes down the information. He asks a second spectator to name any country in the world. The second spectator names the country. The performer asks the third spectator to name his favourite color. The spectator calls out his favourite color. At this point the performer gives the notepad to one of the spectators to prove he wrote down only the same things that the spectators called out. Now the performer reaches in his pocket, takes out the sealed envelope. He gives it to one of the spectators, the spectator opens the envelope. There is a piece of paper inside and every information is matching.
Chip Cabaret:
The performer introducees 4 different colored poker chips which are sealed in an aluminium foil. These are mixed by the spectator and the spectator is asked to place them on the table in any order. After that the spectator is asked to discard one of the chps. The spectator is asked to place each one in a different pocket. There is a prediction on the table from the start. The performer reveals where each chip is located, the prediction is opened by the spectator and it contains the color of the chip which was discarded.
With the book "Nexus" Martin gives you all the tools to perform amazing mental routines with almost no props involved! A book filled with ideas and new applications of well known handling with his own personal twist. The effect "EMOTIONAL" is really very close to "real mind reading" and alone is worth the price of the book!
Luca Volpe
Café Review:
I like Martin's thinking! His obviously very creative and seems to shy away from props and focuses on basic principals to build very impressive feats.There was odd typo in the e-book which did not take away from my enjoyment in the least! Very nice work Martin and I would recommend it without doubt. Great Job from a very clever man.
Café Review2:
I really recommend this 29 page ebook. Martin Adams concentrates on solid methods instead of promoting super brandnew techniques which get hyped by others. The props needed to achieve his effects are minimalist. In his book are several good ideas concerning some classics in mentalism, for example his thoughts on the russian roulette theme, as well as some new effects. Most of all I like his Chip Carbaret with all the subtleties. Thums up for this masterpiece!